Thursday, July 18, 2013


It was a wonderful and bittersweet last week in Guatemala. 

Sunday, we went to Rio Dulce--took a boat ride to Livingston, a Caribbean city on the east coast of Guatemala with stops along the way at a castle/fort, hot springs and a waterfall. We went swimming and jumping at the waterfall despite our swearing at the beginning of the trip that we wouldn't go in fresh water--so far so good :-)

Monday was our last day of placement. They made me a giant card with all of the kids handprints and coloring:

Then three of the organization leaders said such, such nice things and I bawled like a little baby when they asked me to say a few words! Estefani ran right up to me and gave me a huge hug. Jadira, one of the other volunteers, swore my Spanish still sounded good but I'm pretty sure sobbing and Spanish don't mix too well for me! 

Here are some more pics of the last day:
The whole group :-)
Gladys-I couldn't understand exactly what she was saying but she held me for such a long time and it seemed so heartfelt it made me cry even more.
Ah Bryan my awesome, sweet, energetic guy!! Miss him already!
This is Eduardo-remember him because he is going to do awesome things in this world! He has an intelligence mixed with a giant heart that is so rare in an 11 year old boy. He helps the other kids so selflessly, especially the one boy who is deaf-Eduardo is learning signs to help him communicate. Literally if given the opportunity, this boy could change the world.

We also went on a garden field trip :-)
The little girl got a ride so Felipe wanted one too haha. Felipe is 12, he's never been to school until this program because he works all morning every day chopping wood on a farm help provide for his family. This program is crucial to him remaining a sweet boy rather than getting involved in the street life.

Growing onion 

Tuesday and Wednesday morning we spent enjoying Antigua and shopping!! We market shopped for about 6 hours (that might be a low estimate) and learned a fundamental difference between Steve and me (I was going to write besides him being obsessed with a bargain but actually this is VERY related to that)---he LOVES bartering, loves it like a competitive sport. I would leave a tough barter and say "that was so horrible, I need a rest" and his response would be "that was awesome! I'm on such an adrenaline high right now, lets go again!". Phew, glad I had him to do the tough work for me :-)

Wednesday afternoon we went to a coffee plantation for zip lining, horseback riding, feeding baby cows (yup sorry mom!), and of course coffee. Our last dinner was delicious crepes with some friends. It was the perfect ending to a great trip!

Overall it was such an amazing trip and I loved sharing it with Steve. Some of the perks of traveling with him:
1. He's a boy so you're always safe walking.
2. He always carries his awesome camera so you can sit back and enjoy.
3. He always carries a backpack for your rain jacket, bug spray etc
4. He is literally the best person at bartering ever-I would have spent way more without him!
5. He's super nice to me even when I'm being crazy!

Heading back to the US, I'm most excited to:
1. See Paul!! (And my family and friends!)
2. Not have to throw my toilet paper in the trash.
3. Drink and brush my teeth with tap water.
4. Not have to sleep in a bunk bed!!

Leaving Guate, I'll really miss:
1. My placement and the kiddos!!
2. The relaxing mornings spent in coffee shops.
3. The beautiful sites and amazing adventures!

Well, that's all until next time!


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