Tuesday, June 25, 2013

¡Nos Vemos!

Sitting in the airport about to head out on my next adventure-Guatemala! I feel so blessed and lucky to once again share travel adventures with my brother, Stephen. It won't be the same without Matt, but since we still have to go hike Kili together, I'll settle for knowing that must happen in the future :-)

As I reflect on my hopes for this trip, I am well aware that "volunteer vacations" always do more for me than I do for those I'm helping.  I've gone back and forth on my emotions with regards to that--guilt "maybe it'd be better to just send $", sadness "I wish I could do more", trust "but I think I will be of some help", and happiness "the gift of opening my eyes and hearts to others is priceless". In the end, I settle on Hope. Hope that through my experiences, I can make one day brighter or open someone else's eyes to how others live. Mostly, hope, that I can come home and live more gratefully and with an even more open heart and mind to all people.

On that note, I'm off to practice my Spanish, have some adventures, and hopefully be of as much help as I can in these two short weeks. 


p.s. thank you to my amazing, loving husband, Paul, for supporting me in my decision to go on this trip (and not killing me for missing our anniversary ;-)) Love your compassionate heart!!

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